If you own a cash-handling business, you’ll certainly be interested in ways to protect yourself and your staff from counterfeit thieves. Luckily, there are several products available to help with this. As an example, the ZZap counterfeit detectors are all designed to verify banknotes more efficiently than even the most experienced cashier. Before we look into the different kinds of counterfeit detection technologies to protect your business, let’s explain why fake notes are a real threat to your business every day.
The history of counterfeit money is a tale as old as the currency itself in many ways – as long as currency has existed, people have tried to make fake versions. Based on percentage, the Great British Pound is the most counterfeited currency, but in absolute terms it’s the United States Dollar. If you look on the Euro zone alone, the number of fake notes has steadily risen each year since it came into circulation in 2002.
Well, the simple fact of the matter is counterfeit banknotes are completely worthless and there is no compensation for accepting these, even if you have done so by accident. It’s completely up to you to protect your business, and your profits, from counterfeit banknotes. It’s a real problem – counterfeiting is estimated to have cost the EU more than 500 million euros since the Euro was introduced, and while that cost is spread over many businesses, you can imagine how much it could affect a small business if it were to happen regularly. If you think about it, investing in a counterfeit detection device means it will pay for itself quickly simply by detecting fake notes. Once detected, you can confront the thief and refuse to take their money, therefore saving your business the hassle and money loss of accepting a fake note.
Let’s take a look at the different kinds of counterfeit detection available, to help you choose which might be best for you.
As well as magnetic ink and threads, banknotes are also printed with inks that are invisible to the naked eye. And on top of having the UV markings previously mentioned, they also have inks that will only become visible under infrared light. In order to use this kind of detection, you’ll need one of ZZap’s D40 machines which uses infrared sensors which reflect and absorb light to automatically approve notes using the special characteristics marked on each denomination.
By size detection devices, we mean detecting by half-note, width, thickness or 3D. Each denomination of a banknote has exactly the same length, width and thickness, so this is yet another means to check for fake notes. Counterfeit note detectors such as the ZZap D40 can verify dimensions down to a tenth of a millimeter by pulsing LED transceiver pairs and infrared sensor banks. Pretty clever, right?
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